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Miscellaneous Documents

Nathaniel L. Truel Letter to Sister, 1863.pdf

Various letters and a diary entry from soldiers. A satirical, hand-drafted newspaper, and a poem encouraging soldiers "To arms! To arms!"

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1862 Provost Marshal Reports

Provost Marshal Nathaniel H. Brown files his reports to Colonel Louis Bell regarding Oaths of Allegiance to the Union, drill procedures and…

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Letters from Confederate St. Augustine resident H.B. Jenckes

H.B. Jenckes writes to Mary Martha Reid detailing her opinion of occupying Union soldiers in St. Augustine, her health, and other issues concerning…

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Clarissa Anderson Letters to her son , Andrew Anderson

Clarissa Anderson writes to her son, Andrew, and details the events happening in St. Augustine, including rumors of an attack on the city.

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Onville Upton Letters

Onville Upton, a Union Soldier of the 7th New Hapmshire volunteers, writes to his mother and sister about his experiences in St. Augustine.

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